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Good Country Physio

Technology & Exercise

Recently Physiotherapist’s Amy and Steph have started using Physitrack, an online program used to create individualised exercise programs. Physitrack gives the physiotherapist over over 3,700 different exercises to choose from, along with videos and explanations. Physitrack also has education handouts and outcome measures for specific conditions to compliment your exercise program.

When your physiotherapist set up your program, you will be sent an email with a link to your program, which you can access via your computer or smart phone. The app is free to download and easy to use. You will no longer have to look at a piece of paper which is easily lost. Messy handwriting and stick figures are a thing of the past.

When you access the app you will be able to see photos of your exercises and watch video demonstrations in case you have forgotten how to do an exercise. You will be asked to rate your pain from zero to ten which is helpful for your physio to monitor your pain and to decide whether we progress your exercises or not. We can track your adherence to make sure you are doing your exercises and just in case you frequently forget about your exercises you can set a reminder using the app to notify you at a particular time every day. Your physiotherapist can easily update or edit your program as needed and you will instantly see the changes on your phone.

If you don’t have a computer or phone, we can still use the program and print your exercise program.

Exercises are routinely given out by physiotherapists in line with current best research evidence. Therefore anything that makes this easier for patients is something that we are keen to implement into our practice.



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