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Good Country Physio

Cancer Rehab Awareness Week & World Cancer Day

Today is World Cancer Day - Saturday 4th February 2023.

At Good Country Physiotherapy, we believe that every cancer patient deserves to live well throughout their unique cancer journey, from diagnosis, during and then after treatment.

Our cancer rehab physiotherapists can help in many different ways to achieve this goal of living well, not ‘living sick’. To find out more, visit our new website or contact one of our clinics to speak with our cancer rehab physiotherapists.


This week on our social media (Facebook:; Instagram: @goodcountryphysio) we have endeavoured to spread the word about the benefits of cancer rehab physiotherapy. Click on the images below to learn more.

Pinc and Steel have shared a few experiences from people who have had a cancer diagnosis. Learn from Ruth below as she shares how cancer rehab physiotherapy has helped her.

On Wednesday, Amy Hunt was interviewed on our local radio station, 5TCB FM. Listen to her talk about cancer rehab services and our new website by clicking on the link below.

If you would like to talk to any of our cancer rehab physiotherapists, contact your local clinic, details below. Or visit our new web site - Limestone Coast Cancer Rehab.


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